Back Pain
Research suggests that 4 out of every 5 people have lower back pain at some point in their lives.
In February 2010, the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that the direct costs of treatment for low back pain in the United States are over $50 billion a year. This is more than half the amount spent yearly on cancer treatment.
According to the Mayo Clinic and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most back pain is caused by muscle strain, awkward lifting of heavy objects, bad posture, weak core muscle strength or generally poor overall fitness. These factors can cause both sudden back pain and chronic, persistent back pain that has been troublesome over time.
With many treatment options available, patients may wonder, ‘What is the best treatment for my back pain?’ While surgical procedures are often the first suggestion, physical therapy is often more effective – and non-invasive! The therapists at Elite Physical Therapy are experts in the non-surgical treatment of spine injuries. We help patients recover using hands-on physical therapy and supervised, targeted exercise while also fending off future problems.
Common Causes of Lower Back Pain
Back pain can be caused by a variety of conditions and injuries. Some are simple and easy to diagnose and treat, and others may be more complicated and involve a longer recovery period. Muscle strains or sprains in the low back can be caused by lifting heavy objects, bending or twisting with incorrect body mechanics. Age related degeneration of the discs in the spine can also cause persistent pain by compressing the nerves that exit the spinal cord. Changes in bone structure such as fractures and stenosis are somewhat less common but still relevant causes of low back pain.
Wide Range of Low Back Symptoms
Because there are so many different things that can cause low back pain, everyone may experience slightly different symptoms. Some common complaints include muscle cramping, dull, or aching pain that may suggest muscle or ligament injuries. Sharp, shooting pain, or pain that causes numbness or tingling may indicate injury or compression to a nerve, among other possibilities. Usually back pain is increased or decreased depending on position and is not constant throughout the day.
Non-Invasive Treatments for Low Back Issues
There are a variety of physical therapist treatment approaches for low back pain. Often increased stabilization from the muscles in your core can decrease back pain, so your therapist can design a program to strengthen these muscles. Core strength and hands on techniques like spinal mobilization and manipulation can increase joint movement and decrease pain. Other treatment options include specific back pain exercises that have been shown to decrease position-specific pain. In general, the best thing to do for low back pain is continue moving, and our therapists will help you continue to be as active as possible with minimal pain.
Who Benefits From Spine Care at Elite Physical Therapy?
Patients who have acute and chronic low-back and neck pain, muscle-tension headaches, pain extending into the arms or legs, general arthritic spine complaints, lumbar spinal stenosis, and work-related spine pain may benefit from physical therapy at Elite Physical Therapy. In addition, post-surgery physical therapy is critical for successful and faster recovery from operations such as laminectomy and fusion.