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Living with Arthritis:

Move more or Move Less?

“I can’t work in my garden anymore because of my arthritis.” “I can’t fish anymore because of my arthritis.” “My arthritis is so bad I can’t play with my grandkids.” These are all statements our Elite physical therapists hear too often. Is this truth or is this fiction? Many people acquire a diagnosis like “arthritis”, and they are either told or they assume they should stop being active because of their new diagnosis. In most cases, this is exactly the opposite of what they should be doing – they actually need to get moving!

Arthritis is defined as inflammation in one or more joints. Common symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsens with age. Arthritis is the leading cause of adult disability in the United States, and more than 50 million adults suffer from some form of arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis but for the purposes of today’s conversation we are going to talk about the most common form which is osteoarthritis. According to the arthritis foundation, osteoarthritis affects over 27 million Americans and is most often seen in knees, hips, low back, neck, thumbs, and big toes. Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative joint disease and is defined as the gradual loss of cartilage in the joints and can result in bone spurs or cysts in the joints. Cartilage is the firm, rubbery material that covers the end of the bones in normal joints. Its main function is to act as a shock absorber and help reduce friction in the joints. As you can imagine, if you begin to lose the cartilage in the joints, they can become inflamed and stiffness sets in because the cartilage is no longer able to help absorb stress and reduce friction. If you let the stiffness settle into the joints, you begin to lose motion and your ability to move to do daily tasks as well as your hobbies.

When pain gets in the way of daily living, encouraging people with arthritis to improve their health through movement and exercise can be a challenge. Arthritis steals movement and sometimes the things we love to do-but Elite Physical Therapy can help you get it back. Exercise is one of the best ways to improve pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion, which are common symptoms of arthritis. Many people with arthritis think exercise will be painful-probably because they’ve tried it and it was! But extensive research has shown that people with arthritis can exercise without worsening their pain. Marcus Walker, DPT, an Elite physical therapist, explains, “Although movement and exercise may cause temporary discomfort, it will often lead to lasting relief of pain when regularly performed.”

Moving is essential if you are living with arthritis! Exercise helps to limit pain and improve joint motion. It also boosts energy levels, improves strength to support your joints, and prevents falls and future injuries. Movement helps your joints be healthier. First, movement increases the synovial fluid in your joints which basically acts like oil that helps the joints move smoother. Second, exercise increases circulation in the body which increases circulation to the joints bringing good oxygen and nutrients to the joints. Also, research shows joint movement activates genes associated with rebuilding cartilage. Finally, exercise strengthens the muscles, ligaments, and tendons surrounding each joint. Resulting in a natural brace for the joints during activity.

Many patients find physical therapy an essential part of arthritis treatment and facilitates getting them back moving. Physical therapy can help patients cope with pain and disability caused by arthritis and give you the tools to manage arthritis flare-ups. “We will work together with your doctor to define goals to relieve your pain and get you back moving”, says Marcus Walker, DPT. “By setting goals and working hard at physical therapy, patients can improve their ability to perform daily living activities with greater ease and less pain”, adds Marcus.

If you recently got diagnosed with arthritis or are currently dealing with arthritis, here are a few tips on how to start moving!

  1. Stretch before you get out of bed. We tend to stiffen up at night.
  2. Turn up the heat, skip the ice. For chronic pain, use heat packs to help maintain blood flow and improve flexibility in your joints. Ice is better suited for more acute injuries because it can make joints feel stiffer.
  3. Make adjustments and adaptations to your daily routine. Spread out your house/yard work or lighten your grocery list so you don’t wear yourself and your joints out all at once. Overdoing it makes you want to be sedentary which can make you stiffen up.
  4. Speak with an Elite physical therapist on which specific exercises and/or programs would be best for you.
  5. Get your posture evaluated by your Elite Physical Therapy. Good posture is important for everyone but it’s essential for people with arthritis because poor biomechanics when you sit, walk, or lift can put extra strain and wear and tear on joints.
  6. Once you get moving, expand with an aerobic based program. Walking 5-10 min 2-3 times per day. Water aerobics class. Riding a bike for 15- 30 min.
  7. Begin to incorporate strengthening and balance exercises for your trunk, arms, and legs including bodyweight strength workouts or Pilates.
  8. Find a friend or an accountability partner to join you in the fun of movement!

You don’t have to stop being active if you get diagnosed with arthritis! We want to see you out fishing, in your garden, and playing with your grandkids! So Keep Moving! If you need help on where you should start getting back to moving and living your life fully, please call us at 318-443-3311. After all, movement is great medicine!

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